The Fidelity Creditor Service Victory Bell

client-servicesYour accounts receivable are the lifeblood of your business, and resolving your bad debt can be the difference between thriving and just breaking even. That is why we at Fidelity Creditor Service take our responsibility very seriously…but with a personal and proud touch.

At Fidelity, we have developed a “culture of collections”. Every collection is a cause for celebration, and every one on our staff is focused on collecting the funds due to you. We are so focused on the importance of your receivables that each member of our collections staff, once he or she has successfully passed through our professional training programs, is issued a Victory Bell.

Each time one of our collection staff successfully collects a significantly large amount on behalf of one of our clients, an announcement is made throughout all our offices, and the office erupts in celebration as the entire staff rings their victory bell and cheers for a job well done.

We never lose sight of who we work for at Fidelity — it’s you.

And our corporate culture is driven by the great source of pride we have for any of our collections staff whose efforts cause us to ring the victory bell. So far, Fidelity has collected over $100 million dollars on behalf of its clients.

We’re looking forward to collecting for you and your company, too.

Contact Fidelity Creditor Service today for a free Debt Collection Analysis and Consultation.

In this free 30 to 45 minute session, we will analyze your debt, assess its collectibility, share some of our best Accounts Receivable and bad debt avoidance techniques, and answer your debt collection questions.

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Fidelity Creditor Service is a Southern California Collection agency