Fidelity Creditor Service and Century City Doctors Hospital

In order to collect your debt, a collection agency like Fidelity Creditor Service not only must not only depend upon its own systems and procedures, but also the accuracy of the information given to us by our client.

With our 49 years of stellar service, we work extremely hard maintain your reputation and ours as well.

In 2010, we were awarded a second placement project for debts due to Century City Doctors Hospital by the US Bankruptcy Court. However, the data that was delivered to us by the prior collection agency and the court was not accurate. Some of the debts that were reported as still open had been previously collected by the prior agency.

As a result, there was an adverse reaction from some of the debtors who had already settled their debts, some even going so far as to solicit the media. The media reports neglected to state that as soon as Fidelity discovered that the data we received from the courts was flawed that we corrected the situation immediately.

We were so responsive, in fact, that some of the debtors wrote publicly about how rapidly their issue was resolved once they contacted us.

It is Fidelity’s goal to collect every debt rightfully owed to our clients. But it is just as important to conduct our business accurately and honestly. That is why we have new policies to more thoroughly review the debt records we receive from our clients, no matter what the source of the data.

For more information about this particular issue, or about how Fidelity Creditor Service can handle your collection issue call our office at 800-440-1981, or ask us for a no obligation debt evaluation.

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Fidelity Creditor Service is a Southern California Collection agency